Thursday, June 30, 2011

Big Bad Evil Emperor

He was the Big Bad Evil Emperor. He had his own castle and a dungeon filled with many monsters. Yes, there were some 150 heroes coming to kill him. No, he didn't have any damsel in distress. The last time he tried to abduct one, his whole army got annihilated. No, he had never harmed a single village at all. No he had no wealth to give. No, no one would get any fame for killing him, arguably the weakest Evil Emperor  in history. So why would 150 heroes randomly decide to kill him? Because heroes are stuck-up, insensitive individuals who care nothing for the different lifestyles and cultures of the many unique creatures on the diverse land presented to and equally obtainable by any number of racially different beings. The point is that heroes don't care much about anyone except themselves, as you will see.

Yep, I'm the Big Bad Evil Emperor. Whoever invented that title should be killed because my real name is Rock. I know, who names their kid after a pebble on the ground? Well, for some reason, I was granted the title by an old man randomly strolling through the park. Actually, I'll bet that he was aligned with those heroes. I'll bet that they ran out of Evil Emperors to fight and had to invent a new bad guy. Well, that's how I got my job as the Evil Emperor. For some years now, they've let me live peacefully. They sent a messenger and told me to build up an evil army for when they were ready to fight. So that's what I did. I built an evil army. And then just last week, a messenger told me that they'll come attack me now. Yeah, pretty random huh?

So I've been waiting for a while now. It's been three months since they started their quest to kill me. I'd be very angry if they made me do all this for nothing. But my good friend here, Iv is his name, told me that heroes have to train on a whole bunch of weak monsters to get stronger and get new items before fighting me. So what was the point of making my army is they were just gonna go fight something else? It doesn't make any sense at all. And then Iv told me that heroes like to do a lot of side quests and prolong the main quest as long as possible to create suspense. That made me mad. Why would they announce that they were gonna fight me if they weren't even ready? It made me want to send everything to kill them, but Iv told me that I couldn't do that because I'm the final boss. Well, being the final boss is the ultimate suck job, I can tell you that. I'll bet that all the news reporters are following the heroes very closely. And how much coverage do I get? None. Actually, I think I was given a couple seconds of screentime, but it was just a sketch of my face. The sketch was actually very good. I should hire the artist for some work around the castle.

So then I hired my own information boy. I paid him a good amount just for giving me what everyone else got: news. The boy didn't want to learn my name. I didn't want to learn his. All I wanted was the news. So when I got my first report, I was pretty mad. They claimed that I destroyed 3 towns and stole all the valuables from a local temple (don't ask me who the they are. I don't know which noun they refers to). I can tell you with the strongest word for certainty that I didn't do it. How could I when I have been stuck in my castle for all this time? So I hired another boy. This one didn't want to learn my name. I didn't want to learn his either. The kid got me the real news, the stuff he saw with his own eyes. I found out that it was those same damn heroes who caused the destruction. And they had the nerves to pin the blame on me! What self-righteous hero does a thing like that? Well Iv told me that since I wasn't doing any of the killing and destroying, the heroes needed to do some for me. Iv said there needed to be some conflict. Well, I said, "That's bullshit." (don't ask me what that refers to either)

I was really angry, you know. If I wanted to be blamed for something, I would have done it myself. So I sent my cavalry to attack those heroes. My news boy told me that the heroes won pretty easily. That was a huge surprise to me. I had 500 horsemen in that group. How the heck do 150 heroes do that? And then I learned that one of the heroes died from the battle. For 15 days everyone sand songs about the dead guy's bravery. That's craziness. It was just one guy. Did anyone cry over the 500 lost horsemen or sang songs about their obedience? Nope, it was all about that one guy. (don't ask me what it refers to)

Then I found out that I wasn't suppose to kill anyone yet because it was too early. Well, at that point I threw out all the rules in the Guide to Being an Evil Overlord. All they did was give advantages to those heroes. I sent my pet dragon to decimate 30 towns before those heroes decided to show up. They didn't even bother to show up on time! Were they expecting me to wait for them or something? Apparently yes. Iv told me that traditionally I'm suppose to pause a moment even though I can kill everything.

Yeah they defeated my dragon. But not before 7 of them died. And those 30 towns? Yeah they won't be selling upgraded weapons and armor there anymore. Now isn't that more fair?

It was pretty obvious that they were annoyed.Who wants to play with someone that doesn't play with the rules? So they gathered an army of 100,000 people. 100,000 people! Can you believe that? I'm pretty sure I saw some kids in there (not me personally, my news boy, but it sounds better if I just say me)! And they marched nonstop to my castle. They never slowed down, and they never ate. It's not surprising then, that half of them left and deserted before even reaching the bridge that connected my land to theirs. And then another half fell off the bridge. Unbelievable! What person would drive people like cattle and force them to die young? The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to kill them. The heroes, I mean. Not the people.

My spellcasters frightened all the villagers away, but they were killed by the heroes. The spellcasters are the ones that died, not the villagers. Actually either way works. Then my 30 chimeras fought against the heroes, killing a good 20 of them before dieing themselves. And at night, I sent my rogues to steal all their potions. Of course, they could always use their mages to heal, but that's why I sent the chimeras. All their mages were dead. At this point things got ugly. They burned down all of my forest and killed the critters living there. I sent ogres and golems and all my strongest creatures to stop them and protect the innocent, but the heroes couldn't be taken down. Those guys had a nasty temper (the ogres had nasty tempers too but I'm talking about the heroes here). So when they went back to buy weapons and potions, they were out of luck. Apparently they didn't know that when you recruited all the people of the land, there is no one left to make any goods. So they tried to search for the Infinity Plus One Sword and the rest of the legendary weapons that could one hit anything. No luck. I took those things a long time ago when I was bored. So the remaining 100 stormed my place. I met them outside, of course. No one wants murderers inside their home. Yeah, a few of them died, but so did all my monsters that I spent years raising. Those heroes were dead tired, but they wouldn't give up. I didn't have any monsters left.

I admit, I was scared. What the heck could I do? That's when I remembered that I had my goblins left. I admit, they are weak. One on one, even I can win. But I had 100 goblin farms producing hundreds every hour. So my one million goblins took them on. They died really fast in the beginning, but the heroes were tired. Then my goblins gave the most amazing whoopass in the history of the hero and evil emperor game. At this point, Iv told me that this wasn't how the final battle was suppose to go. I was suppose to make them fight the strongest monster in my possession. That's when I told Iv that they did that a long time ago when I tried to protect the forest. That and goblins make much better end bosses.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Flashpoint Primera Impresión

Faltando pocos días para la publicacion de Flashpoint #3 voy a dar mi opinión acerca de este evento.
Antes que nada no voy a ser imparcial, no me agrada el evento, no porque este mal escrito, lo que me molesta es lo que sucederá una ves allá terminado. Tal ves los lectores de DC durante finales de los años ochenta sintieron lo mismo, todo lo que ellos conocían y quería iba a desaparecer para dar lugar a algo nuevo.
Por si no lo saben una vez terminado Flashpoint todos los títulos comenzarán a serializarse desde el número 1, pero no significa que todo comienza de nuevo, dc no ha dado muchas pistas sobre que va a quedar en continuidad y que no, y cada vez que dicen algo crean más dudas y molestias para los mas acérrimos lectores. Seguramente este relanzamiento atraiga a muchos lectores nuevos, pero que pasara con los que llevan más de veinte años leyendo fielmente a esta editorial.
Pasando al comics en cuestión, la premisa no es la más innovadora, pero siendo justos a estas alturas poco lo es. Lo importante es lo que se lleve a cabo con una idea trillada. Para todos los fines prácticos, Flashpoint es un elseworlds, y como tal nos presenta a personajes de siempre en situaciones diferentes a las “normales”. Los números relacionados nos dan una primera impresión de este nuevo mundo, Wonder Woman y Aquaman en guerra, y el mundo sufriendo las consecuencias, Slade siendo un pirata, Batman es Thomas Wayne y un laaargo etc. Hasta el momento aun se están presentando los personajes y las situaciones, algunas gustaron otras no tanto y montones de WTF, pero es un elseworlds así que todo es permitido.
Por el momento paso del escepticismo a la ira irracional leyendo esto, pero solo por lo que mencione al principio, tal ves si lo vuelvo a leer en diez años diré algo como “que buena historia” pero luego recordare como destruyo un universo y lo odiare nuevamente.

Hmong Movies

It's true and you know it!

New Change

As of right now, there is now a count of how many posts each of us writers have done. It's on the right side where the tags are. Fluffybunnypwn's count will be listed as Z: Fluffybunnypwn (insert current number) and if you click, you will see all the posts Fluffybunnypwn has done. The same goes for domodragon53. Z:domodragon53 (insert current number). And same goes for me Z: Soaringhawk (insert the highest number). Bakaneko and MonkeyKidd will have to get at least 15 posts each before I add their names to the new category.

Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2


Informasi :

Title : Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2
Developer : Koei, Omega Force
Publisher : Namco Bandai
Platform: PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows
Genre : Action role-playing game, Hack and slash
Mode: 1-2 players
ESRB : Teen
PEGI : 12+
Media/distribution : BD-ROM, DVD-ROM
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Requirement :

OS : Windows XP SP2 atau Windows 7*
CPU : Intel pentium 4 2.0GHz or equivalent
RAM : 1 GB
HDD : 4 free disk space
Graphics : 256MB - 512 MB asal mendukung pixel shader 3.0
DirectX : directX 9.0 latest
Controller : Keyboard or konektor stik PS2, Windows 7 Ultimate

Download :

Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 01| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 02| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 03| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 04| Nediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 05| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 06| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 07| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 08| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 09| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 10| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 11| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 12| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 13| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 14| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 15| Mediafire
Dynasty Warrior Gundam 2 Part 16| Mediafire

Note :

Join filenya dengan Hjsplit

Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful

Informasi :

Directed by : Hiroyuki Yamaga
Genre : Science fiction, Harem Comedy-drama, Psychological
Studio : Gainax, Shaft
Network : BS-i
Original run : 26 September 2002 – 16 January 2003
Episodes : 14
Status : Completed
Uploader : shinkan

Review :

Ketegangan yang terjadi antara Saints dan Vesper tampaknya harus diselesaikan dengan ara damai setelah organisasi lain masuk kedalam medan pertempuran Mahoro dan Suguru terus menjalani kehidupannya setelah melakukan pertempuran dengan Ryuga. Sekararng Suguru mendapatkan anggota baru di rumahnya, ia bernama Minawa yang juga seorang android.

Download :

Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 01
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 02
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 03
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 04
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 05
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 06
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 07
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 08
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 09
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 10
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 11
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 12
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 13
Mahoromatic : Something More Beautiful Episode 14

Note :

Dual SUB, Germany and English, default bahasanya memakai bahasa jerman, kalo mau bahasa inggris ya tinggal rubah saja

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


This is truly how I feel about the Hmong New Years food booths.

OST 3x3 Eyes - Hito no Maki -Mankind Chapter

Informasi :

Title : 3x3 Eyes - Hito no Maki -Mankind Chapter OST
Type : Anime OST
Artist : Tachiki Fumihiko, Itabashi Ami, Mio, Haneda Symphonic Orchestra
Number of Songs : 9
Disc : 1
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Tracklist :

01 - STAGE I - Yogekisha shimatsuki - sono 1
02 - Yoru wa Logo Logo
03 - STAGE II - Yogekisha shimatsuki - sono 2
04 - Warning
05 - STAGE III - Yogekisha shimatsuki - sono 3
06 - Eien yori mo
07 - STAGE IV - Yogekisha shimatsuki - sono 4
09 - Silent Surrender

Download :

OST 3x3 Eyes - Hito no Maki -Mankind Chapter | Mediafire

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Freedom – Kira

Informasi :

Title : Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Freedom – Kira
Type : Artbook
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Download :

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Freedom – Kira | Mediafire

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Justice – Athrun

Informasi :

Title : Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Justice – Athrun
Type : Artbook
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Download :

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Photo Album – Justice – Athrun | Mediafire

Gundam Seed Official File

Informasi :

Title : Gundam Seed Official File
Type : Artbook
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Download :

Gundam Seed Official File | Mediafire

One Moment in Time

Debo decirles que creo que alguien en Marvel odia de alguna forma a Spiderman, porque digo esto?, solo basta con ver lo que le a sucedido al pobre personaje los últimos años, primero revela incrédulamente su identidad, luego es un paria de la sociedad y su tía esta al borde de la muerte por centesima ves, para ayudarla el recontea toda su vida, así que todo lo que leímos del arácnido durante los noventa queda fuera de continuidad… y tenemos a un nuevo Peter que parece de 17 años nuevamente, sin compromisos y sin problemas, salvo los de siempre como los supervillanos XP. Y por si fuera poco al editor en jefe de Marvel Joe Quesada (el “cerebro” detrás de OMD) tiene la brillante idea de contarnos que paso entre Peter y MJ en su nuevo mundo reconteado…
Sin más preámbulos les dejo esta historia, que mas allá de violar mi infancia tiene buenos dibujos (con que poco me conformo).

I Like You

I wanna try this method out someday, hahahahahaha.

Zhang Fei

My favorite of the Peach Brothers, Zhang Fei knows what needs to be done to make Liu Bei a successful sovereign. While Liu Bei would be content to live as a sandal maker, Zhang Fei uses tricks and cunning ideas to elevate Liu Bei's status. So not only his he one of the strongest warriors, he is also meticulous and thinks far ahead (not like Dynasty Warriors where he is portrayed as a brute). Zhang Fei fights Lu Bu equally in many encounters (not really, he gets whooped once and has Guan Yu to help in another).

In addition to this, Zhang Fei is a great artist (apparently this is a skill that not many know), and he happens to be able to copy handwriting. So all he has to do is copy the lord of Xuzhou's handwriting (he does) and he writes a will making Liu Bei the governor of the place. Afterward Zhang Fei loses the place on purpose to Lu Bu to get Liu Bei to realize that being blindly loyal will harm the people. As Zhang Fei says: There is a method to my madness.

OST 3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 2

Informasi :

Title :3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 2 OST
Type : Anime OST
Composer : Wada Kaoru
Arrangement : Wada kaoru
Artist : Takada Band (Mimatsu Ami & Tachiki Fumiko), Hayashibara Megumi, Nakamura Yuusuke, Orikasa Ai
Number of SOngs : 13
Disc : 2
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :
1. Believe Takada Band (Fumihiko Tachiki, Ami Mimatsu) 4:46
2. <3x3 meisaku gekijou> Shira-yuki-hime to shichinin no Haan 5:24
3. Mamotte ageru Megumi Hayashibara 4:27
4. <3x3 meisaku gekijou> Pai o tazunete sanzen ri 5:15
5. Night Story Yusuke Nakamura, Ami Mimatsu 4:11
6. <3x3 meisaku gekijou> Cinderella 5:44
7. Midnight Lullaby Ai Orikasa 4:24
8. <3x3 meisaku gekijou> Alps no shoujo Paidi 4:38
9. Kaze o tsukamaete Takada Band (Fumihiko Tachiki, Ami Mimatsu) 4:39
10. Doukyuusei (M-3 + M-1i) 2:12
11. Youma (M-2i + M-2ro + M-2ha) 0:26
12. Yakumo (M-15 + M-1ro) 1:35

Disc 2
1. Pai-chan no (Hi) Nikkichou by Megumi Hayashibara 15:00

Download :

OST 3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 2 | Mediafire

Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden

Informasi :

Directed by : Hiroyuki Yamaga
Genre : Science fiction, Harem Comedy-drama, Psychological
Studio : Gainax
Network : BS-i, AT-X
Original run : 10 September 2001 – 28 January 2002
Episodes : 12
Status : Completed
Uploader : shinkan

Review :

Dalam perang melawan Saint tersembunyi tersebut, manusia telah diselamatkan berkali-kali oleh seorang android bernama Mahoro. Setelah pertempuran terakhirnya, Mahoro menyadari bahwa jika ia tetap dalam mode pertempuran penuh, maka dia diambang batas kematiannya. Jika persenjataan nya dilepaskan, Mahoro memiliki kehidupan baru dan kebebasan untuk hidup seperti yang ia inginkan, setidaknya untuk 398 hari kedepan. Namun, apa yang harus ia lakukan dengan sisa hidupnya yang kurang dari 1 tahun itu? Kemudia Suguru, seorang yatim piatu, menyewa Mahoro sebagai pembantunya. Suguru tidak tahu tentang latar belakang Mahoro, sampai akhrnya ia harus mencari tahu sendiri, apakah perempuan cantik berumur 19 tahun ini, adalah seorang android atau bukan ?

Download :

Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 01
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 02
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 03
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 04
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 05
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 06
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 07
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 08
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 09
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 10
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 11
Mahoromatic : Automatic Maiden Episode 12

Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora

Informasi :

Other Title : Someday's Dreamers : Summer Skies
Directed by : Osamu Kobayashi
Written by : Norie Yamada (original concept and screenplay)
Studio : Hal Film Maker
Network : TV Asahi
Original run : July 2, 2008 – September 24, 2008
Episodes : 12
Status : Completed
Uploader : shinkan, candoh (Megaupload)

Review :

Menceritakan kisah Suzuki Sora, Suzuki Sora ialah anak gadis ceria seta periang dari dsa kcil bernama Biel. Dia berjanji kepada ayahnya, bahwa ia akamenjadi orang sukses dan juga hebat, untuk itu ia pergi ke Tokyo untuk belajar menghadapi kehidupan di kota besar, ketika masuk kedalam pelatihan ilmu para mage, dia bertemu dengan seserang yang misterius bernama sora, mereka berdua beajar besama sama menghadapi kehidupan yang sebenarnya.

Download :

Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 01 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 02 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 03 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 04 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 05 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 06 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 07 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 08 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 09 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 10 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 11 | Megaupload
Mahou Tsukai ni Taisetsu na Koto : Natsu no Sora Episode 12 | Megaupload

OST Crow'sClaw - Over The Rainbow

Informasi :

Title : Crow'sClaw - Over The Rainbow
Type : Anime OST
Style : Instrumental Melodic Death/Power Metal
Number of Songs : 11
Disc : 1
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Tracklist :

1. Over The Lake, Over The Rainbow
2. An Old Alien
3. Holy Butterfly
4. Gliding With Feather
5. Dream
6. Shoot Me, Take You
7. Locked Girl
8. Last Remote
9. Two Of Fairies
10. Fire Of Collapse
11. Wish Upon A Star

Download :

OST Crow'sClaw - Over The Rainbow | Mediafire

OST Final Fantasy DISSIDIA [duodecim] 012

Informasi :

Title : DISSIDIA [duodecim] 012 FINAL FANTASY - OST
Type : Game OST
Published by : Square Enix (distributed by Sony Music Distribution)
Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu, Junya Nakano, Naoshi Mizuta, Hitoshi Sakimoto, Masashi Hamauzu
Arranged by : Takeharu Ishimoto, Tsuyoshi Sekito, Mitsuto Suzuki
Release Date : 02/03/2011
Number of Songs : 71
Disc : 3
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Tracklist :

Disc 1 :
01 - "Lux Concordiae" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
02 - "Matoya's Cave -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY I
03 - "Chaos Shrine -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY I
04 - "Mount Gulg -original-" from FINAL FANTASY I
05 - "Reform" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
06 - "Dungeon -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY II
07 - "Pandaemonium -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY II
08 - "The Imperial Army -original-" from FINAL FANTASY II
09 - "Gentle Breath" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
10 - "Crystal Cave -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY III
11 - "Battle 1 -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY III
12 - "Let Me Know the Truth -original-" from FINAL FANTASY III
13 - "Heroes" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
14 - "Into the Darkness -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY IV
15 - "Suspicion -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY IV
16 - "Fight 1 -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY IV
17 - "Theme of Love -original-" from FINAL FANTASY IV
18 - "Peace of Mind" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
19 - "Dungeon -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY V
20 - "The Final Battle -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY V
21 - "Home, Sweet Home -original-" from FINAL FANTASY V
22 - "Tension" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
23 - "Phantom Forest -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VI
24 - "Battle Theme -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VI
25 - "Searching for Friends -original-" from FINAL FANTASY VI
26 - "The Threat" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
27 - "Tifa's Theme -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VII
28 - "Forested Temple -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VII
29 - "J-E-N-O-V-A -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VII
30 - "Let the Battles Begin! -original-" from FINAL FANTASY VII
31 - "Counterattack" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
32 - "Find Your Way -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VIII
33 - "Julia -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VIII
34 - "Force Your Way -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY VIII
35 - "Premonition -original-" from FINAL FANTASY VIII
36 - "Troops" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
37 - "A Place to Call Home -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY IX
38 - "The Final Battle -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY IX
39 - "Not Alone -original-" from FINAL FANTASY IX
40 - "Final Resolve" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
41 - "Yuna's Theme -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY X
42 - "A Contest of Aeons -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY X
43 - "Via Purifico -original-" from FINAL FANTASY X
44 - "A Fleeting Dream -original-" from FINAL FANTASY X

Disc 2 :
01 - DISSIDIA -opening-/Edit" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
02 - "A Realm of Emptiness -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY XI
03 - "Ronfaure -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XI
04 - "Heavens Tower -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XI
05 - "Iron Colossus -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XI
06 - "Canto Mortis ~An Undocumented Battle~" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
07 - "Battle with an Esper -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY XII
08 - "The Dalmasca Estersand -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XII
09 - "The Golmore Jungle -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XII
10 - "Struggle for Freedom -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XII
11 - "Gate to the Rift" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
12 - "Blinded by Light -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY XIII
13 - "Saber's Edge -arrange-" from FINAL FANTASY XIII
14 - "The Hanging Edge -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XIII
15 - "The Archylte Steppe -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XIII
16 - "Nascent Requiem -original-" from FINAL FANTASY XIII
17 - "Cantata Mortis & God in Fire" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
18 - "Carmen Lucis" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
20 - "DISSIDIA 012[duodecim]-ending-" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY

Disc 3 :
01 - "Cantata Mortis" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
02 - "God of Fire" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
03 - "Overture" from DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY
06 - DISSIDIA 012[duodecim] FINAL FANTASY [TGS2010]

Download :

OST Final Fantasy DISSIDIA [duodecim] 012 Disc 1 | Mediafire
OST Final Fantasy DISSIDIA [duodecim] 012 Disc 2 | Mediafire
OST Final Fantasy DISSIDIA [duodecim] 012 Disc 3 | Mediafire

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Point Blank Long Distance

Liu Bei

This is the man of benevolence, the man who's reputation is greater than any other. This is Liu Bei, the man who always gets his ass kicked and always rises back up to power. He is one third of the Peach Brothers, the most loyal of loyal individuals. And.....he is an excellent judge of character. No seriously, that doesn't sound like such a good ability, but it's damn useful. If a lord has a lot of people on his side, it's damn useful to know who is a traitor and who is not. Or else the lord will end up like Niu Fu (of course, Niu Fu willingly sacrificed himself to destroy Lu Bu).

But anyways, Liu Bei's most trustworthy officers are Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and they have to work hard to make sure that Liu Bei isn't cheated of anything. Liu Bei is sort of has a mood swing whenever he has an epiphany, and then he becomes a scary individual. As a character, I like him way better than Guan Yu but less than Zhang Fei. Heck, I think the only reason I don't like the Peach Brothers is because of Guan Yu. Liu Bei will end up with Shu at the end, but as of right now, he is in hiding with Yuan Shao.

OST 3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 1

Informasi :

Title : 3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 1 OST
Type : Anime OST
Composer : Wada Kaoru
Arrangement : Wada kaoru
Artist : Takada Band (Mimatsu Ami & Tachiki Fumiko), Hayashibara Megumi
Number of Songs : 11
Disc : 1
Status : Completed
Uploader : KID_VX

Tracklist :

01 - Distance
02 - Hikyou no chi (M2-M5b-M5a)
03 - Yakumo Fujii (M13-M11)
04 - Night Story
05 - Pai ~Bojou~ (M6a-M6)
06 - "Ningen" no Zou (M10-M7a)
07 - Sanjiyan - tensei (M3a)
08 - Aoi tsuki no shita de
09 - Majuu shuurai (M4-M9)
10 - Maboroshi no tami (M1 percussion-M1-M21 long version)
11 - Ame no hi no sugoshi kata

Download :

OST 3x3 Eyes - Dai-ichi Shou Chapter 1 | Mediafire | Enterupload

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS

Informasi :

Original Title : Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha Sutoraikāzu
Directed by : Keizō Kusakawa
Written by : Masaki Tsuzuki
Genre : Action, Drama, Psychological, Magical girl, Science fiction
Studio : Seven Arcs
Network : Teletama, Chiba TV, TV Kanagawa, Tokyo MX, Mie TV, KBS Kyoto, TV Wakayama
Original run : April 1, 2007 – September 23, 2007
Episodes : 26
Status : Completed
Uploader : synch

Download :

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 01
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 02
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 03
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 04
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 05
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 06
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 07
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 08
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 09
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 10
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 11
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 12
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 13
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 14
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 15
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 16
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 17
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 18
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 19
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 20
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 21
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 22
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 23
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 24
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 25
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Episode 26

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's

Informasi :

Original Title : Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha A's [Ēsu]
Directed by : Keizō Kusakawa
Written by : Masaki Tsuzuki
Genre : Adventure, Drama, Magical girl
Studio : Seven Arcs
Licensed by : Canada United States Geneon
Network : Chiba TV
Original run : 1 October 2005 – 25 December 2005
Episodes : 13
Status : Completed
Uploader : synch

Download :

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 01
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 02
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 03
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Epsiode 04
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 05
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 06
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 07
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 08
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 09
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 10
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 11
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 12
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Episode 13

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha

informasi :

Original Title : Mahō Shōjo Ririkaru Nanoha
Directed by : Akiyuki Shinbo
Written by : Masaki Tsuzuki
Genre : Adventure, Magical girl
Studio : Seven Arcs
Licensed by : Canada United States Geneon Entertainment
Network : Gifu Broadcasting System, TVS, Mie TV, TVO, CTC, TVK
Original run : October 1, 2004 – December 24, 2004
Episodes : 13
Status : Copleted
Uploader : synch

Download :

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 01
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 02
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 03
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 04
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 05
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 06
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 07
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 08
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 09
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 10
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 11
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 12
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Episode 13

Chopping Meat

Don't we all feel like this sometimes?

Christians and Shamans

Yep. That sums it up pretty good.

Actualizacion Manga!!


Soul Eater

