Saturday, April 30, 2011

Best of Anime Soundtracks: Turn A Gundam

Turn A Gundam is composed by Yoko Kanno, so, of course, it has a decent soundtrack. What makes Turn A Gundam's music really special in the anime is its incorporation of tribal/native music of the people living in the Turn A world. Turn A Gundam has decent tracks for the fighting, most of them actually seem comical and not intense. Only Final Shore seems to have the intensity needed for a final battle. And thus, I will not be including any fighting music but, instead, the music that makes Turn A Gundam so different.


Moon's Cocoon:

Spiral Re-born:

World Edge Theory: 

Edit: By the way, this is the last post of April, so I win for the moment.

Gundam Unicorn 1

Okay, this is my first episode review, but since each one of Unicorn's episodes is one hour long anyways, it'll probably be the same as ever other review I do. You know, format-less and with all the parentheses (oh good, I still know how to talk in this).

Unicorn (calling it by it's full name happens to be too much work even though I can type Breath of Fire 2 everytime without fail) takes place three years after Char's Counterattack (no, I didn't watch it but I know that Amuro and Char dies at the very en.....oops. Spoilers maybe....too late?), and the object of Zeon and the Federation is something called Laplace's Box. Nobody knows what it is, but it apparently has the power to change the balance of power in the Universal Century. And the key to opening the Box is (come on guess, why else would there be another Gundam release?) the Unicorn Gundam. Yes, and the creator/keeper of the Unicorn happens to have a son that doesn't know the family relationship.

That son is Banagher Links (ahahahaha looks like I stole domodragon53's favorite character name), and he is (at least I think he is) a Newtype, one of those that are able to control funnels and all that complicated weaponry. He pretty much doesn't like war, but, of course, he is forced into combat. He meets Audrey, the princess Zabi of Zeon in disguise, and he instantly does one of those "I gotta protect this girl although I barely know her". It's pretty annoying, but not too bad. Banagher isn't that bad of a Gundam protagonist. There's been worst ones (maybe the Wing boys and Seed, but I haven't seen Seed for a long time...{although I can say the same for Wing<oo, am I using different things besides parentheses now>}?).

But the animation though...Wow! Hold up, I have to do this FluffyBunnyPwn style because he gets more views this way. Ahem!

Animation 10/10

Yes, Unicorn is that good. It has a high budget, and it's released whenever it wants to be (don't take my word on that). The action scenes...damn! Sword of the Stranger and Serei no Moribito has some of the amazing animation that I've seen, but Unicorn is on a completely different level. It's like seeing the animation of 5 Centimeters per Second and comparing it (including the pretty colors and art) to everything before (by this I mean all the dumb stuff that I saw and not the good stuff that I didn't see). Except, its probably just the pretty colors that make me think that Unicorn is good. You know, what counts as animation anyways? Does the artwork count in it? If it doesn't, then I might have to reduce this score.

And here ends the FluffyBunnyPwn style of blogging. That was a bit easier than I thought, but there's no freedom there. So yeah, Unicorn 1 is really good. Oh, and Banagher gets the Unicorn Gundam to use. Can't forget that. Oh, and the awesome voice of Char Aznable (in the form of Full Frontal of course) makes a return. Can't forget that either.

Rating 1/10   9/10 (Dunno why, don't ask)

Melty Blood : ReACT

Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon, French-Bread
Genre : Visual novel, 2D fighting game
Platform : Windows PC
Released : May 2004
Status : Completed
Uploader : carefree

Download :

Melty Blood : ReACT Part 1
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 2
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 3
Melty Blood : ReACT Part 4

Melty Blood

Inormasi :

Developer : Type-Moon, French-Bread
Genre : Visual novel, 2D fighting game
Platform : Windows PC
Released : December 2002
Status : Completed
Uploader : carefree

Download :

Melty Blood Part 1
Melty Blood Part 2
Melty Blood Part 3

Tsukihime Plus Disc

Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon
Publisher : Type-Moon
Genre : dojin, eroge, Visual novel
Rating : Ages 12 and over
Platform : PC - NScripter / KiriKiri engine
Released : January 2001
Status : Completed
Uploader : Atse

Download :

Tsukihime Plus Disc Download


Informasi :

Developer : Type-Moon
Publisher : Type-Moon
Genre : Dojin, Eroge, Visual novel
Rating : Ages 18 and over
Platform : PC – NScripter engine
Released : December 2000
Status : Completed
Uploader : bluespidey, kzha(English Patch)

Download :

Tsukihime Download
Tsukihime English Patch V1.1

Kara no Kyoukai : Epilogue

Informasi :

Directed by : Shinsuke Takizawa
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : February 2, 2011
Status : Completed
Uploader : 66

Review :

Mikiya berjalan sepanjang jalan pada malam bersalju seperti ketika ia pertama kali bertemu Shiki. Ia menemukan Shiki berdiri persis di mana ketika mereka pertama kali bertemu bertahun-tahun lalu. Shiki menjelaskan kepadanya bahwa ia mempunyai kepribadian ganda. Ini bukan Shiki yang Mikiya temui bertahun tahunyang lalu. Setelah menjelaskan, ia berencana untuk tidak akan mengingat hari ini sama seperti dia tidak pernah ingat malam mereka pertama kali bertemu.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : Epilogue Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 7

Informasi :

Directed by : Shinsuke Takizawa
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : August 8, 2009
Runtime : 121 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Ini aalah kelanjuta dari Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 6, serentetan baru pembunuhan ganas telah tertangkap.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 7 Dowload

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 6

Informasi :

Directed by : Takahiro Miura
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 20, 2008
Runtime : 59 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Cerita dimulai dengan pengantar dari Kokuto Azaka tentang siapa dia dan bagaimana dia berencana untuk mendapatkan Mikiya sebagai kekasihnya. Setelah itu, Shiki dikirim ke sekolah Azaka's, Akademi Reien selama liburan musim dingin dalam rangka untuk membantu menyelidiki serangkaian laporan tentang pencurian, dan kasus bunuh diri yang mencurigakan.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 6 Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 5

Informasi :

Directed by : Takayuki Hirao
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : August 16, 2008
Runtime : 115 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Di tengah malam, Tomoe Enjou menusuk orangtuanya sampai mati, sebelum melarikan diri ke apartemennya, dia sangat panik. Tidak lama setelah itu, seorang pencuri tunawisma menemukan tubuh mereka, tetapi ketika dia kembali dengan polisi, sunguh mengejutkan, ia menemukan mereka dengan keadaan sehat senantiasa.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 5 Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 4

Infomasi :

Directed by : Shinichi Takiguchi
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : May 24, 2008
Runtime : 50 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader: gg-TakaJun

Review :

Setelah kejadian di film kedua, Shiki sedang dibawa oleh ambulans ke rumah sakit di mana dia berada dalam keadaan koma. Mikiya sering menjenguknya, meninggalkan karangan bunga mawar. Waktu berlalu, dan Mikiya pun telah lulus dari sekolahnya dan Mikiya sekaran berkerja di Toko Aozaki.

Selama Shiki berada dalam keaaan koma, ia bertemu dengan temannya. Setelah dua tahun, Shiki akhirnya bangun dari koma-nya. Namun, pada saat ini Shiki tidak ingat nama Mikiya. Ketika dia melihat buket berisi mawar, Shiki menyadari kemampuan baru Shiki, Shiki mampu melihat setiap celah pada mereka dan pada dirinya sendiri, sebuah pengelihatan yang luarbiasa yang tidak dimiliki orang biasa, namun engan kemampuan tersebut, shikimasmih merasa kebingungan dan ktakutan akan kekuatan yang diapatnya.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 4 Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 3

Informasi :

Directed by : Mitsuru Obunai
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : January 26, 2008
Runtime : 56 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Seorang gadis remaja yang bernama Fujino Asagami, sedang diperkosa oleh geng jalanan di bar, setelah sekelompok geng tersebut meperkosanya, merekapun meninggalkan Fujino sendirian. Pada malam itu, Mikiya menemukan Fujino kebingungan sambil berjongkok di sebuah gang, Fujino berkaa bahwa perutnya kesakitan. Mikiya membawanya ke apartemen. Keesokan paginya, Mikiya terbangun dan mengetahui bahwa Fujino telah hilang dan pada saat yang sama, ada berita laporan adegan pembunuhan di sebuah bar bawah tanah di mana mayat korban ditemukan dengan kaki mereka robek.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 3 Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 2

Informasi :

Directed by : Takuya Nonaka
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Genre : Action, Romance, Supernatural, Thriller
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 29, 2007
Runtime : 58 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Pada malam hari, seorang pria tersandung saat ia berjalan dalam ketakutan dari seseorang yang mencoba untuk membunuhnya, Siki dan Mikiya menemukan pria tersebut telah mati tertusuk pisau, namun siapa yang melakuka pembunuhan tersebut ?. Keesokan harinya, Mikiya Shiki menceritakan tentang pembunuhan itu, tetapi Shiki tidak senang. Ketika polisi menemukan mayat keempat, karena dengan ditemukannya mayat ke empat, kegiatan sekolah untuk semntara di hentikan. Pada malam harinya, Shiki menemukan mayat kelima. Pembunuhan ini terus berlanjut,apakah shiki bisa memecahkan misteri di balik pembunuhan ini ?

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners 2 Download

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners

Informasi :

Directed by : Ei Aoki
Music by : Yuki Kajiura
Studio : ufotable
Licensed by : Canada United States Aniplex of America
Released : December 1, 2007
Runtime : 48 minutes
Status : Completed
Uploader : gg-TakaJun

Review :

Shiki dan Toko baru-baru ini mendiskusikan insiden bunuh diri yang tidak biasa yang dialami beberapa siswa perempuan dari sekolah tinggai (sma). Pada malam hari, Shiki berjalan jalan sampai mengunjungi suatu tempat yang gelap di kota itu, didekat gedung Fujō shiki tersandung oleh sesuatu,ketika dilihat,ternyata shiki tesanung oleh tubuh seseorang yang baru meninggal, selain iu, shiki juga melihat beberapa hantu yang melayang di atas gedung Fujō.

Keesokan harinya, Shiki membicarakan soal apa yang dialaminya, tentang gedung itu, penampakannya serta angka-angka, catatan dan kenangan yang ditinggalkan oleh korban yang telah meninggal. Saat matahari terbenam, Shiki mengunjungi bangunan Fujō dan pertempuran penampakan misterius itu pun dimulai.

Download :

Kara no Kyoukai : The Garden of Sinners Download

Friday, April 29, 2011

Invincible - The Viltrumite War

La coalición de planetas liderada por Thadeus esta lista para declararle la guerra al Imperio Viltrum, y para asegurar su victoria han reunido a un gran numeró de poderosos guerreros mas los datos proveídos por Nolan sobre las debilidades de su raza.
Solo queda reunirse y comenzar el conflicto, pero el emperador Thragg no dejara que se salgan con la suya, no por algo es el líder de su gente.
Prepárense para el mayor conflicto en la historia de Invincible, la acción no parara ni un instante durante los ocho números que conforman la guerra. Y solo para que lo sepan, Conquest regresa!!!
(Recuerden leer el numero Invincible Return antes del numero 71)


Sengoku Gensokyo

Informasi :

Status : Completed
Uploader : hightime

Download :

Sengoku Gensokyo Part 1
Sengoku Gensokyo Part 2
Sengoku Gensokyo Part 3
Sengoku Gensokyo English Patch V1.01
Note : Hapus ekstensi .7z join dengan HJSplit part 1 of 3

Get Backers

Informasi :

Directed by : Kazuhiro Furuhashi Keitaro Motonaga
Genre : Action-Adventure, Comedy-drama, Supernatural
Studio : Studio Deen
Network : TBS
Original run : October 5, 2002 – September 20, 2003
Episodes : 49
Status : Completed
Uploader : junkudo

Review :

Cerita dimulai ketika dua sahabat, Ginji Amano dan Ban Mido mendapatkan orderan untuk mencari patung kucing yang hilang. Ternyata, Pekerjaan ini hanyalah jebakan, dan mereka dilumpuhkan oleh Hishiki Ryudo, seorang mantan pegulat. GB (singkatan dari GetBackers ) lalu tersadar di ruangan penuh orang koma, dan dimintai tolong untuk menyelamatkan seorang lelaki oleh suster yang menjebak mereka. Lelaki tersebut ternyata tunangannya. Mereka kembali menghadapi Hisiki, dan dengan kecerdikan Ban, mereka berhasil mengalahkannya.

Mereka selalu mendapatkan pekerjaan yang membahayakan. Mereka juga selalu sial karena senang berhutang. Mobil mereka juga sering diderek karena parkir sembarangan, dan uang untuk membayar denda selalu kurang.

Menjelang akhir cerita, diungkaplah masa lalu dan latar belakang para tokoh. Mereka lalu dihadapkan pada persoalan yang sangat pelik. Hubungan antara Ban, Ginji, dan seorang "penyihir" bernama Himiko benar-benar dijuji sampai habis.

Download :

Get Backers Episode 01
Get Backers Episode 02
Get Backers Episode 03
Get Backers Episode 04
Get Backers Episode 05
Get Backers Episode 06
Get Backers Episode 07
Get Backers Episode 08
Get Backers Episode 09
Get Backers Episode 10
Get Backers Episode 11
Get Backers Episode 12
Get Backers Episode 13
Get Backers Episode 14
Get Backers Episode 15
Get Backers Episode 16
Get Backers Episode 17
Get Backers Episode 18
Get Backers Episode 19
Get Backers Episode 20
Get Backers Episode 21
Get Backers Episode 22
Get Backers Episode 23
Get Backers Episode 24
Get Backers Episode 25
Get Backers Episode 26
Get Backers Episode 27
Get Backers Episode 28
Get Backers Episode 29
Get Backers Episode 30
Get Backers Episode 31
Get Backers Episode 32
Get Backers Episode 33
Get Backers Episode 34
Get Backers Episode 35
Get Backers Episode 36
Get Backers Episode 37
Get Backers Episode 38
Get Backers Episode 39
Get Backers Episode 40
Get Backers Episode 41
Get Backers Episode 42
Get Backers Episode 43
Get Backers Episode 44
Get Backers Episode 45
Get Backers Episode 46
Get Backers Episode 47
Get Backers Episode 48
Get Backers Episode 49

OST Gantz

Informasi :

Title : Gantz OST
Type : Anime OST
Number of Songs : 7
Disc : 1
Status : Complted
Uploader : pako_ladka

Tracklist :

Opening :
01 - Galaxy
02 - Strange
03 - Super Shooter (gantz op)

Ending :
01 - Last Kiss
02 - 5 More minutes
03 - Last Kiss (instrumental)
04 - I'm In The Mood For Dancing

Download :

OST Gantz Download

Gantz : Second Stage

Informasi :

Directed by : Ichiro Itano
Genre : Action, Science fiction, Horror, Thriller
Studio : Gonzo
Network : AT-X
English network : Canada United States Anime Network
Original run : August 26, 2004 – November 18, 2004
Episodes : 13
Status : Completed
Uploader : moss

Review :

Ini adalah kelanjutan dari serian anime Gantz : First Stage.
Setelah beberapa misi, Nishi menghitung mundur pada Gantz untuk Bencana yan akandatang, orang lain tidak ada yang menyadarinya. Hal ini diduga untuk menunjukkan kepada orang orang akan datangnya sesuatu yang akan membuat mereka semua mati, tetapi juga membebaskan semua peserta dari permainan. Seminggu kemudian, sebuah kekuatan besar alien menyerang bumi dan mulai membasmi umat manusia, sedangkan Kurono dan teman-temannya mencoba yang terbaik untuk memanfaatkan teknologi canggih Gantz dan persenjataannya.

Download :

Gantz : Second Stage Episode 01
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 02
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 03
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 04
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 05
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 06
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 07
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 08
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 09
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 10
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 21
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 22
Gantz : Second Stage Episode 23

Gantz : First Stage

Informasi :

Directed by : Ichiro Itano
Genre : Action, Science fiction, Horror, Thriller
Studio : Gonzo
Network : Fuji Television
English network : Canada United States Anime Network
Original run : April 12, 2004 – June 26, 2004
Episodes : 13
Status : Completed
Uploader : moss

Review :

Sepasang siswa SMA, Kei Kurono dan Masaru Kato, yang ditabrak kereta bawah tanah dalam upaya untuk menyelamatkan nyawa seorang pemabuk tunawisma yang telah jatuh ke truk. Setelah kematian mereka, Kurono dan Kato menemukan diri mereka diangkut ke interior apartemen Tokyo. Pasangan ini segera menyadari lainnya hadir dan menemukan bahwa mereka tidak bisa meninggalkan apartemen. Di salah satu ujung ruangan ada bola hitam tanpa yang dikenal sebagai "Gantz".

Download :

Gantz Episode 01
Gantz Episode 02
Gantz Episode 03
Gantz Episode 04
Gantz Episode 05
Gantz Episode 06
Gantz Episofe 07
Gantz Episode 08
Gantz Episode 09
Gantz Episode 10
Gantz Episode 11
Gantz Episode 12
Gantz Episode 13

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Anime and Video Game Characters: Locke

Locke, from Final Fantasy VI, is a thief by trade and a treasure hunter by name. He supports the resistance against the Empire, and takes care of Terra when she is rescued from the Narshe mines. Locke tries to convince the Narshe leaders to help out the Rebels, but he is refused. During Locke's solo playthrough, he rescues Celes, a general of the Empire. She is jailed for refusing to take part in killing the people of Doma, and she joins Locke. For the rest of the story, Locke and Celes develop a relationship, but neither is willing to admit it. The reason for this is partly because of Locke's past.

As a playable character, Locke is average. He is a physical fighter, his magic sucks, and his special command (steal) is not used much. Nevertheless, he is present for a lot of the game, so if you use Locke, his level will probably be higher than others. I used Locke primarily because of his past and his connection to Celes.

Spoilers ahead. Don't look unless you already know/want to know.

Yes, Locke used to go out with a girl called Rachael. They did everything together. However, in a cave, the ground collapses, and Locke is about to fall. Rachael does a mad dash and pushes Locke out of the way, falling in his place. Rachael wakes up without any memories of Locke, and she doesn't want to see Locke because her parents are always angry when Locke shows up. Later, Locke arrives to see Rachael when she is dying, and she finally remembers Locke. Rachael dies, but Locke contacts a medicine man, and Rachael's body is preserved. The only way to bring her back to life is with the Phoenix esper. Guess what happens later in the story?

Afterwards, Locke and Celes reveal their feelings to each other. In the ending, Rachael is about to fall through a crack in the ground, and (can you guess it yet at this point?) Locke does a mad dash and saves her. This time, no one is seriously injured, and they can be together.

Rating: Amorous Treasure Hunter

Anime and Video Game Characters: Epona (The Legend of Zelda)

“▲◄►▲◄►”-Epona’s Song

Bio: Epona serves as the main transportation of the Legend of Zelda series. When Links first meet Epona for the first time, Epona is only a pony. Everytime Links gets closer to Epona, she runs away. After Malon teaches Links “Epona’s Song”, Epona immediately trusts Links and follows him around the ranch. Seven years in the future, Lon Lon Ranch has been taken over by Ingo. Links plays “Epona’s Song”, and Epona recognizes Links, thus completing the bond they had since Links was a child.

Why Choose Her: A horse is the most basic transportation in any fantasy type game. However, what separates Epona from the other horses, is the feeling you get every time Links rides her across the Hyrule Field. In the beginning of the game, it was a pain to run across the Hyrule Field, but after Links obtains Epona, it was a blessing from the three goddesses. Epona is one of the most recognizable horse/transportation in video games. Not only does she appear in Ocarina of Time, Epona also appears in Twilight Princess, Four Swords, and Majora’s Mask. Epona is the most loyal and trustworthy horse, that is why she is named after the Celtic goddess of horses, Epona.

Epic Moment: Before Adult Links’ arrival, Ingo was planning to give Ganadorf the untamed horse, Epona. Links arrives  in Lon Lon Ranch, and plays “Epona’s Song” that allowed Epona to remember Links. Ingo is mad that Links was able to tame Epona, and challenges Links in a race. Links wins the race, and Ingo challenges Links again, and if Links wins, then Epona will be Links. Of course Links wins, but Ingo is furious and locks the gate so Links and Epona cannot get out. Links rides Epona, runs towards the gate, and Epona jumps over both the gate and Ingo.

Rating: Best Horse in Video Game History

Perfect Dark 64

Perfect Dark 64 was an amazing classic back in its days (last ten years). This single player or 4 player First Person Shooter was perhaps the backbone and model of other games. It offers over 30 weapons and devices that can be used as well as many game modes. This game perhaps was one of the best First Person Shooters of its time for the Nintendo 64 before online playing came along.

Story: 7/10

You are Joanna Dark, an operative for the fictional Carrington Institute, as she attempts to stop a conspiracy by the rival corporation data Dyne. Well, no one pays attention to the story line in this game anyways, its all about the action and finishing the objective. Some of the missions can be played out of order so there is no real story line. You just have to finish all 17 missions in order to obtain new weapons and other unlockables.

Gameplay: 8/10

This seems like your generic First Person Shooter, but this game makes up the definition of a generic FPS. In this game, you can play with 3 other players as well as 8 computers. The difficulty of these computer/sims can be changed up so they pose a challenge. Whether its teaming up with your friends to fight hard computers, or going against each other, this game is really fun. There is a wide variety of weapons classified from explosives all the way to handguns. Each weapon has its own unique ability as well as a regular firing mode. The computers arent as intelligent as you hope, but the ability to command other computer Sim teammates makes up for it.

Presentation/Performance: 8/10

The graphics of this game is good for the year it had arrived. Although the graphics look like the pixels were smudged around overlapping each other, there are many other aspects of this game that make up for it.

The Good:

-lots of weapons to use
-All computer sims respawn so you can keep playing
-Maps are large and there is multiple access to rooms
-competition against friends is great
-colors determine teams

The Bad:

-You move to slow
-The Sniper is one of the weakest weapons
-The graphics don't compare to games from today
-Enemies are everywhere and they always appear behind you like a ninja
-Some weapons are useless, and some weapons in the same category top other weaponry for example, one machine gun is obviously stronger than the other.

OmegaliskX79's Rating: 8/10

Genshiken 2

Informasi :

Directed by : Kinji Yoshimoto
Genre : Comedy, Slice-of-life
Studio : ARMS, Ajia-do Animation Works, Genco
Licensed by : United States AnimeWorks
Network : Chiba TV, Kids Station
Original run : October 10, 2007 – December 26, 2007
Episodes : 12
Status : Completed
Uploaer : Leonheart

Review :

Ini adalah kelanjutan dari serial anime Genshiken, pada seasion ke dua ini Genshiken diterima sebagai peserta dalam ComiFes mendatang, dan sekarang Sasahara harus menyesuaikan diri dengan peran barunya sebagai presiden klub ini.

Download :

Genshiken 2 Episode 01
Genshiken 2 Episode 02
Genshiken 2 Episode 03
Genshiken 2 Episode 04
Genshiken 2 Episode 05
Genshiken 2 Episode 06
Genshiken 2 Episode 07
Genshiken 2 Episode 08
Genshiken 2 Episode 09
Genshiken 2 Episode 10
Genshiken 2 Episode 11
Genshiken 2 Episode 12


Informasi :

Directed by : Takashi Ikehata
Genre : Comedy, Slice-of-life
Studio : Palm Studio, Genco
Licensed by : United States AnimeWorks
Network : Chiba TV, Kids Station
Original run : October 10, 2004 – December 26, 2004
Episodes : 12
Status : Completed
Uploader : shinkan

Review :

Menceritakan tentang kehidupan sekelompok mahasiswa yang mempunyai hobi yang sama. bersama mereka mengalami cobaan dan petualangan yang berkaitan dengan sesuatu hal yang menjadikan mereka sebagai menjadi otaku.

Download :

Genshiken Episode 01
Genshiken Episode 02
Genshiken Episode 03
Genshiken Episode 04
Genshiken Episode 05
Genshiken Episode 06
Genshiken Episode 07
Genshiken Episode 08
Genshiken Episode 09
Genshiken Episode 10
Genshiken Episode 11
Genshiken Episode 12

Gate Keepers

Informasi :

Directed by : Koichi Chigira
Genre : Adventure, Harem, Comedy, Fantasy, Science fiction
Studio : Gonzo
Licensed by : United States Geneon
Network : WOWOW
Original run : April 3, 2000 – September 18, 2000
Episodes : 24
Status : Completed
Uploader : Leonheart

Review :

Berseting latar pada tahun 1969, Waktu dimana Jepang sedang mengalami perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial yang intens setelah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II pada tahun 1945. Tanpa diketahui manusia, alien / makhluk interdimensional telah muncul dengan rencana untuk mengambil alih dunia dengan mengirimkan banyak agen khusus untuk melampiaskan malapetaka di kota-kota, menjadikan manusia sebagai kaki tangan robot. Mereka disebut sebagai "Invaders".

Dalam upaya untuk menghadapi Invaders dan mempertahankan planet bumi, sekelompok orang mmbentuk oranisasi rahasia yang di sebut "Alien Exterminating Global Intercept System" yang lebih dikenal sebagai AEGIS, didirikan dengan dana khusus dari pemerintah. Mereka mengandalkan kemampuan "Gate Keeper", yang memiliki kekuatan untuk membuka gerbang dimensi dari energi paranormal yang memberikan kekuatan super mereka. Negara adidaya ini adalah satu-satunya senjata yang memiliki efek pada Invaders.

Download :

Gate Keepers Episode 01
Gate Keepers Episode 02
Gate Keepers Episode 03
Gate Keepers Episode 04
Gate Keepers Episode 05
Gate Keepers Episode 06
Gate Keepers Episode 07
Gate Keepers Episode 08
Gate Keepers Episode 09
Gate Keepers Episode 10
Gate Keepers Episode 11
Gate Keepers Episode 12
Gate Keepers Episode 13
Gate Keepers Episode 14
Gate Keepers Episode 15
Gate Keepers Episode 16
Gate Keepers Episode 17
Gate Keepers Episode 18
Gate Keepers Episode 19
Gate Keepers Episode 20
Gate Keepers Episode 21
Gate Keepers Episode 22
Gate Keepers Episode 23
Gate Keepers Episode 24


Informasi :

Directed by : Mahiro Maeda
Written by : Natsuko Takahashi, Tomohiro Yamashita
Genre : Drama, Adventure, Science Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Thriller.
Studio : Gonzo
Network : Animax, TV Asahi
English network : United States FUNimation Channel
Original run : October 5, 2004 – March 29, 2005
Episodes : 24
Status : Completed
Uploader : holyreds

Review :

Seting latar jaduh di masa depan sekitar abad 51, ​​padatahun 5053 tahun.
Ceritanya dimulai dengan pertemuan Albert dan Franz dengan Count pada Luna yang terjadi, di Roma. Ketika mengunjungi Luna untuk festival, Viscount Albert de Morcerf dan Baron Franz d'Epinay ber-kenalan dengan Count of Monte Cristo, dia adalah seorang bangsawan. Count janji untuk mengunjungi Albert di Paris. Setelah ia tiba, ia memperkenalkan dirinya kepada keluarga yang paling dekat di Perancis yaitu Morcerfs, Danglars, dan Villeforts.

Download :

Gankutsuou Episode 01
Gankutsuou Episode 02
Gankutsuou Episode 03
Gankutsuou Episode 04
Gankutsuou Episode 05
Gankutsuou Episode 06
Gankutsuou Episode 07
Gankutsuou Episode 08
Gankutsuou Episode 09
Gankutsuou Episode 10
Gankutsuou Episode 11
Gankutsuou Episode 12
Gankutsuou Episode 13
Gankutsuou Episode 14
Gankutsuou Episode 15
Gankutsuou Episode 16
Gankutsuou Episode 17
Gankutsuou Episode 18
Gankutsuou Episode 19
Gankutsuou Episode 20
Gankutsuou Episode 21
Gankutsuou Episode 22
Gankutsuou Episode 23
Gankutsuou Episode 24

Gakuen Heaven

Informasi :

Directed by : Takahashi Natsuko
Genre : Shōnen-ai, Romance
Studio : SPRAY, Visual Art's, Tokyo Kids
Licensed by : United States AnimeWorks
Network : AT-X
Original run : April 1, 2006 – June 24, 2006
Episodes : 13
Status : Completed
Uploader : doyannonton

Review :

Menceritaka kisah Keita Itō, siswa dari sekolah begngsi "Bell Liberty Academy", pada awalnya, dia menerima sbuah surat penerimaan masuknya Keita ke sekolah itu, walaupun sebenarnya Kita sendiri masih meragukan kemampuannya untukmasuk ke sekolah begensi tersebut. Keita hanyalah murid pindahan dari sekolah lain, dan dia tidak memiliki kemampuan khusus yang ia miliki untuk masuk sekolah bergensi tersebut karena memang Keita dibantu oleh Niwa, seorang "presiden dewan siswa" di sekolah brgensi tesebut, karena itu kedatangaya di sabut di Bell Liberty Academy.

Download :

Gakuen Heaven Episode 01
Gakuen Heaven Episode 02
Gakuen Heaven Episode 03
Gakuen Heaven Episode 04
Gakuen Heaven Episode 05
Gakuen Heaven Episode 06
Gakuen Heaven Episode 07
Gakuen Heaven Episode 08
Gakuen Heaven Episode 09
Gakuen Heaven Episode 10
Gakuen Heaven Episode 11
Gakuen Heaven Episode 12
Gakuen Heaven Episode 13

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Anime and Video Game Characters: Rosa (Final Fantasy 4)

"Cecil of the red wings is many things. But he's no coward.
Not the Cecil who I love."  - Rosa

Bio: Rosa is Cecil’s lover. Because of Cecil, Rosa becomes a White Mage to help Cecil in his adventures. After Cecil leaves the kingdom for a mission, Rosa fears that Cecil is in danger and sets out to find Cecil herself. She contracts the sickness called Desert Fever and the only cure for it is the Sand Pearl. Cecil defeats the monster that guards the Sand Pearl, and revives Rosa from the sickness. Rosa then joins Cecil’s party, and the rest is history.

Why Choose Her: Rosa is gentle and caring by nature. She has a strong will, and Rosa would stand with Cecil, even if it means death. She is terrible at fighting, but one of the best healers in the game. Rosa’s ability, Pray, allows a certain amount of both HP and MP to be restored. And… she’s hot….

Look at that...face...
Epic Moment: More like… romantic moment… After Cecil and Kain are both forced to go on a mission, Rosa awaits in Cecil’s room to talk to Cecil. Cecil doubts his king’s intention, but Rosa comforts Cecil. She is the “angel” on Cecil’s shoulder. So… romantic…

Here is the cut scene from the DS version:

Rosa’s Theme-Theme of Love (one of my favorite songs from the Final Fantasy):
Rating: Best Supporting Female Protagonist

(Edit) This is a counter-post to SoaringHawks’ post about Nina.

Anime and Video Game Characters: Nina

The Nina that I am going to be talking about is from Breath of Fire 2. Each Breath of Fire game has a Ryu and a Nina, and I am doing this on Breath of Fire 2's Nina. Basically, there is a kingdom called Windia, where the people are winged. Everyone has white wings, except for Nina who has black wings. She is one of the princesses of Windia, so the people of Windia are obviously scared. Nobody tells her the reason for this, so she goes through the game not knowing.

Nina attends the school of magic in Hometown and is one of the first characters to get recruited. As a pretty character, she and her sister Mina are wanted by a group of thieves. They capture Mina, and Nina is forced to go negotiate the return of Mina. With Bow in the party (he likes Mina), you accompany Nina and defeat the thieves.

Spoilers if you continue

Nina has a pretty sad past that continues into her present. Cursed with black wings, she is feared by the Windians. Her own parents feel better if she is not present. Later, when the power of the Great Bird is needed, Nina undergoes a ordeal to get the Great Bird power. The downside is that Nina will lose her memories forever. In the ordeal, Nina encounters the Nina from Breath of Fire 1, and then the reason for the weakening of the Windia people's powers (flight ability) is revealed. Breath of Fire 1's Nina married Ryu from the first game, and  the bloodline was weakened. This also sort of (I don't know how) explains Nina's black wings. Then, when Nina is about the receive her power, Mina comes along and BECOMES THE GREAT BIRD! The one person that cared about Nina early on is now a bird without memories. This is why The White Wings song is so good. It invokes this scene whenever the Great Bird is used for travel.

Rating: Favorite Nina of Breath of Fire

Best of Anime Soundtracks: Street Fighter Victory

What is cooler than Street Fighter? Nothing, except for maybe its awesome music. The opening for this anime brings so much nostalgia in terms of anime, music, and video games altogether. Now what the hell kind of opening can do something like that? Only Street Fighter Victory can. Not to mention it has an excellent soundtrack to accompany its excellent opening as well. Enjoy.

Street Fighter Victory OP - It just screams badass.

Ryu & Ken no Theme - The hadouken theme that plays when Ryu's about to shoot a hadouken.

Ryu & Ken no Theme Flute Version - The flute version of the theme above.

Hadou vs Psycho Power - Plays when Ryu and Ken go up against Bison. Epic battle song.

Anime and Video Game Characters: Jean

HERE COMES A NEW CHALLENGER! Jean from Breath of Fire 2 is a fantastic character. At first, Jean is in a giant frog form because he is cursed by a witch. Of course, (invoking the kiss the frog trope) to get Jean into his real form, Nina or Katt has to kiss him. After doing so, Jean turns into (insert powerful music here, preferably Golden Sun's Venus Lighthouse theme) a smaller frog form. Yep, Jean's true form is really a frog.

And so, here is another frog character. Glenn/Kaeru/Frog from Chrono Trigger is a damn good frog character. Jean is another one. Frog characters are actually pretty good, agreed? (if you don't say yes, domodragon53 will murder you because Frog is very dear to him). Frog Jean is unquestionably modeled after the stereotypical Frenchman because of the way he talks and acts. Jean is very laid back, not caring when an impostor replaces him as prince. However, he is a very caring character, especially for his sister.

Unfortunately, I did not use Frog Jean a lot in my Breath of Fire 2 playthroughs. His spells weren't magnificent, and there were already other interesting characters like Nina and Sten available. Nevertheless, it was always useful to use his giant frog mode to get to secret places and avoid enemy encounters. Frog Jean can fuse with a shaman combination to get a powerful warrior with a one hit KO to all enemies attack, but I never tried it. Overall, Frog  Jean is a damn good character, but not in Breath of Fire 2. I did this post just to counter domodragon53's Frog character and to get some advertisement for my future Breath of Fire 2 posts.

Rating: Best French Frog Ever (to not piss off domodragon53 and Frog)

Classic Horror is the Best Horror

With the boom of modern horror movies, there's sure to be good ones and there's sure to be crappy ones. As technology evolved, scares were more reliant on CGI and loud noises. After a while, it would seem as if you watch one horror movie, then you've seen them all. Even the Japanese long-haired Sadako ghost girl who scared the shit out of millions of people when Ringu first came out became nothing more than a girl who needed a haircut. Right when we thought the Sadako ghost era was over, along came Shutter, a fantastic Thai movie that introduced a new concept to the horror genre and is now completely overused in other movies. Slasher flicks suffer the most. You can only stab someone in the stomach so many times before it gets boring. Fortunately SAW came along and made killing and torturing a little more creative, but also suffered the "when is this series going to end?" syndrome.

Which leads me to my point. Recently I came across a clip of a Japanese horror movie which was made waaay back in 1969. The title of the film? Hiroku Kaibyoden, also known as The Haunted Castle, which is based on a famous Japanese folktale about a ghost cat haunting a family in the Samurai era.

Clip here:

Did that scare you? Sure scared me. I've seen dozens of scary movies and I'm an avid fan of horror movie, especially foreign ones. As of recent, Insidious is the only horror movie that really stood out to me. Seeing that clip that I found really made me realize that real scares aren't based on CGI and jumpy parts. Real scares rely heavily on atmosphere, mood, tone, color, and sound.

Best of Anime Soundtracks: Guin Saga

Composed by Nobuo Uematsu, of course Guin Saga's music would be good. The music has both softer, slower music as well as the powerful pieces that many of our Best of Soundtrack series contains. Here, I present some of the good pieces that stand alone. Because a lot of the music ties directly to the anime, they don't sound as good by themselves.

Grand Opening:

Guin Theme:

Actualizacion Manga!!


Soul Eater






Gakkō no Kaidan

Inforasi :

Directed by : Noriyuki Abe
Genre : Horror, Comedy, Supernatural
Studio : Pierrot
Licensed by : Canada United States ADV Films
Network : Fuji Television
English network : United States Anime Network
Original run : 22 October 2000 – 25 March 2001
Episodes : 20
Status : Completed
Uploader : fenrir0134, 7c5

Review :

Gakkō no Kaidan atau di translasikan ke dalam bahasa inggris menjadi "Ghost Stories" menceritakan kisah Satsuki Miyanoshita, yang pergi dengan keluarganya ke kota kelahiran almarhum ibu nya.

Pada hari pertama sekolah, kakaknya Satsuki yakni Keiichirou, beserta teman temannya yakni Hajime Aoyama, Momoko Koigakubo dan Reo Kakinoki, menemukan sebuah keganjalan dalam sekolah itu, yang akhirnya mereka pun menelusuri setiap keanehan itu. Keanehan dmi keanehan ereka teui, sampai akhirnya mereka menyadari bahwa di gedung sekolah itu ada hantu-nya.

Download :

Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 01
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 02
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 03
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 04
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 05
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 06
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 07
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 08
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 09
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 10
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 11
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 12
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 13
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 14
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 15
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 16
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 17
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 18
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 19
Gakkō no Kaidan Episode 20