Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Clean New Look

Hey everyone!! It's been over half a month since I first launched this blog and I didn't think it would go this far in terms of viewers and material to write about. However, with the help of a sarcastic dragon and a hawk who wishes to backstab me, it's looking great. I'm still a little unnerving about the newbs though. There's Omegaliskx79 who hasn't written anything yet and since I haven't seen him in action, I do not know how much potential he has in writing. Then there's nomnomturtle who already ran into trouble with her second post with a person who crosses the street without using crosswalks, aka a j-walker *trollface*. And then... there's 4Dkitty, which I think is lost and cannot find her way to write in this blog.

Anyways, I hope you like the clean new look. Inspired by Oz, no? Hahahahahaha.

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